The Hacking Update!

Crystal Conflict the Hacking Update!

There is a new Version of Crystal Conflict available with lots of quality of life changes and NEW Gameplay mechanics!

- New unit capture System

You can finally steal ANY enemy unit now! That also includes enemy buildings and if you manage to capture an enemy HQ you can even unlock their structure techtree.

- New Units added

Armoured mining units can now drop a motorcycle when you click on them Alien generals can now be created at breeding pits! Don't expect them to be as good as in Crystalien Conflict though... 

But they're still powerful!

- NEW gamemode: basebuilding AI!

You can now play against a new ai type that can build and rebuild its own base and is Bound to income through harvesters  (and a Little cheating to compensate for their simple ai algorhythms). There's a menu option to select if you want to play the classic Crystal Conflict ai experience or the new one. Fair warning: The new ai has not yet been thoroughly tested and may be a bit unbalanced

- Cliffs height decreased

Cliffs are now less of an annoyance regarding defense towers as they can poperly be used as natural barricades while defense towers can actually hit things.

- Progress bars for switch fighters, strike fighters and Transporters

Ammunition and passenger count will be displayed now.

- Needle and 'Ambush Extractors' (now Ambush Vessels) have switched roles

I was never happy about the role of Ambush Extractors compared to their visuals. At the same time Needles had no significant spot in an army composition either. So I figured I switched their roles so that Ambush Vessels are now not only look like a powerful gunship with their damage output slightly increased and Needles have finally found their place as an flying Extractor type. 

- Switch fighters hp tweaked

Switch fighters will now have the same amount of hp when flying. Their hp have been decreased when entering  flying mode to motivate players using the landed mode, too. But keeping in mind that lots of anti air weapons already deal a significantly higher amount of Damage against flying Targets that seemed a bit unneccessary afterall. Also their Speed has been increased a Teeny bit when landed.

- The minimap finally works for simple movement commands

- Patrol commands now work as agressive movement command

Having units move close to enemys has always worked to start mass encounters but has been a little messy with units bodying each other and fragile Units Jumping ahead. Patrol commands now work to make units move into a direction and make them attack and also chase any enemies they Encounter before heading to the next location.

- Several quality of life changes

For example the camera default angle is now closer to the classic Crystalien Conflict experience. Remember you can always rotate  the camera for a better viewing angle by moving your mouse while pressing middle mouse button. Also camera movement should be much smoother now.

Crystal Conflict is near completion now! Now that most of the code has been improved and completed while near all planned Gameplay mechanics have been implemented and polished, the next update will be focused on remaking Crystalien Conflict's campaign and adding lots of new Maps!

Until next time!

Files 201 MB
Nov 23, 2024

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